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Do pedestrians have the “right of way” in Florida?

by | Sep 1, 2020

Pedestrian Accidents (1)

In general, Florida law grants that pedestrians have the right of way when crossing the street, provided that they are in a crosswalk. However, pedestrians give up the right of way if they cross the street outside of a designated crosswalk.

This is somewhat of an oversimplification of the full set of Florida’s pedestrian statutes, which can be found at Section 316.130, Florida Statutes. The nuances of the provisions are key, and the rules are in place not only to help keep pedestrians safe but also to reduce potential liability on a pedestrian’s part for any accidents.

Because Florida is a comparative liability state, disobeying one or more of these pedestrian laws could result in physical harm to yourself and in a more difficult path forward for your pedestrian accident lawsuit. If the driver’s defense attorney can show that you were violating one or more of these laws, then you can be held partly liable for the accident that occurs as a result.

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If you or a loved one has been hit by a car while walking or jogging in Boca Raton, we can help! The lawyers at Personal Injury & Accident Law Center can review your case and explain your legal options so you can make the best choice for you and your family. Call us today at (561)372-3800 to schedule a free case evaluation or fill out the confidential form below.

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