May 20, 2021 | Car Accidents, Personal Injury
Update: June 30, 2021 Gov. DeSantis received SB 54 on June 28, 2021, and quickly vetoed it. Despite admitting that the current No-Fault insurance system is flawed, the Governor stated that: [SB 54] does not adequately address the current issues facing Florida drivers...
Apr 15, 2021 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Wrongful Death
Distractions come in three types: visual, manual, and cognitive, which means distracted driving is anything that takes your hands off the wheel, eyes off the road, or mind off driving. Drivers who are texting or talking on cell phones, adjusting the radio, eating and...
Apr 15, 2021 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Wrongful Death
Distractions bombard us from every side when we are driving. Whether it’s your cellphone, rowdy passengers, or roadside events, allowing yourself to be distracted visually, manually, or cognitively can lead to disaster. Despite the obvious harms and the legal...
Apr 15, 2021 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Pedestrian Accidents, Wrongful Death
While most people intuitively believe that they are safe drivers, the statistics simply do not support this: About eight people die every day in crashes involving a distracted driver in the United States. In 2019 alone, 3,142 accident deaths involved a distracted...
Apr 7, 2021 | Car Accidents, Motorcycle Accidents, Wrongful Death
Roughly 8 people die every day in crashes involving a distracted driver, and 3,142 people were killed by distracted driving in 2019, a 9.9% increase from 2018. The data available for 2020 are no better: The first nine months (Jan.–Sept.) saw a 4.6% increase in road...
Dec 22, 2020 | Car Accidents
The holiday season is traditionally a time when families across the United States travel. Many families choose to travel by car, and the chances are high that even more families will opt for car travel this Christmas in light of the coronavirus pandemic....