Personal Injury and Accident Blog
Personal injury claims can be complex. The posts below provide information so you can educate yourself and make smarter choices about your legal situation. When you’re ready, call us to schedule a free case evaluation.
The Dangerous and Deadly Truth about Distracted Driving
While most people intuitively believe that they are safe drivers, the statistics simply do not support this: About eight people die every day in...
5 Apps to Prevent Your Teen (and You) from Distracted Driving
Roughly 8 people die every day in crashes involving a distracted driver, and 3,142 people were killed by distracted driving in 2019, a 9.9% increase...
Unhappy? Fire Your Personal Injury Lawyer
When you hire a personal injury lawyer after a serious accident, you are putting your trust—and in a way your life— in their hands. It’s absolutely...
How to Pick the Right Personal Injury Lawyer
You’ve been seriously injured in an accident. You know you should hire a personal injury attorney to handle your case, but you’re worried that you...
What to Do When Your Personal Injury Lawyer Dies, Retires, or Disappears
Contacting a personal injury lawyer after you’ve been hurt in an accident is one of the smartest choices you can make. Representation by a lawyer...
5 Dirty Tactics Insurance Companies Use to Not Pay You
When someone gets into an accident, people often say: “I hope they have insurance!” This implies that the insurance company will help the injured...
Can I Afford to Hire a Personal Injury Lawyer?
We often hear from clients that they didn’t seek out legal representation or hesitated to contact a lawyer for a previous accident because they were...
Tenant’s Legal Remedies to an Uncaring Landlord
In South Florida’s hot, humid, and often rainy climate, it’s quite common for water to find its way into a tenant’s rental unit. Whether the water...
Car Crash Injuries and Fatalities Spike over Christmas
The holiday season is traditionally a time when families across the United States travel. Many families choose to travel by car, and the chances are...
How to Avoid Accidents and Injuries This Thanksgiving Weekend
Holidays are traditionally times of the year when more people travel than normal: Extended families want to celebrate together and individual...
What Exactly Is Legal “Negligence”?
Everyone seems to have an intuitive understanding of what constitutes “negligent” behavior. But like so many other terms, “negligence” bears a...
Protect Yourself from Deadly Red Light Accidents
There are alarming car accident statistics and then there are alarming car accident statistics. A nearly-30% rise in accident deaths due to a single...